Thursday, October 17, 2013

Walked to and from the Nex today. That counts as exercise, right?

Monday, October 14, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Good day today. Went to yoga with Stephanie, which was pretty killer. I am not flexible or balanced enough to pull some of those poses off. But we’re probably gonna start going regularly, so improvement shall come! Took Loki for a walk/jog before dinner, and did better than I thought I would. Hooray for progress!

Friday, June 14, 2013

20 curls, 10lbs each hand
20 squats, 20 lbs
20 overhead press, 20 lbs
10 hip flexor stretches
20 chest press, 20 lbs
2 planks, 35 seconds each
20 push ups
20 lunges

I think when I get back from my trip to Texas, I'm going to start Insanity. I wanted to do it back in March, but my stupid job didn't give me enough time. I want to start it now, but I don't want to have to break it up like I know I will when I'm off island. I dunno, we'll see.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Great workout today. Did bench press, flys, squats, that pull down machine thingy, planks, chest press, and tossed a medicine ball around. Didn't keep count today, but all the weights (aside from the medicine ball) were 40 - 45lbs for each thing. So feeling pretty good. My hands are sore; gotta build up those calluses! Had my PB, banana, and chocolate smoothie afterwards. Pretty sure I'm gonna hurt tomorrow, but I can live with that. :D

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

30 squats, 20lbs
30 chest press, 20lbs
2 planks, 35 seconds each
30 curls, 10lbs each hand
30 overhead press, 20lbs
30 push ups

Post workout smoothie: 1 banana, 1T peanut butter, 1c chocolate milk

Numbers going up, slowly but surely. :D

Friday, May 24, 2013

20 squats, 20lbs
20 chest press, 20lbs
2 planks, 30 seconds each
20 bicep curls, 10lbs each hand
20 overhead press, 20lbs
20 push ups

Post workout smoothie:
1 banana
1 T peanut butter
1 cup chocolate milk

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Got to lift weights today! I can't do much yet, obviously, but it was still awesome. Did some squats (45lbs) and dead lifts (65lbs). My legs are killing me, but damn do I feel good!

Monday, May 6, 2013


I realized something about myself today.

I'm on Weight Watchers, but I am not using it to its full potential. Sure, I log what I eat, but I half ass it and guesstimate how much I've eaten and occasionally outright lie. And exactly what am I accomplishing by this?

Not a damn thing.

All I'm doing is hampering myself. I'm holding myself back by doing all of this. I'm keeping myself from my full potential.

And that has to stop.

Starting right now, I must be brutally honest about the food I eat, the drinks I drink. I will not omit because it shames me to see how many points I've used. I will not guess. I will accurately measure my portions. And I will not continue to hurt my own goals just because I'm afraid of going over my allotted points.

I will make a change.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's the first of May, first of May, outdoor fuckin' starts today.

Just a quickie this morning.

20 crunches
20 chest press, 6lbs each hand
2 planks, 30 seconds each

Here's to being back on track, at least a little.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Let's get back on track.

Monday, April 29th
30 squats
2 planks, 30 seconds each
40 jumping jacks
20 overhead press, 6lbs each hand
30 calf raises

I had to wake up at 4:30am to get this workout in, but damn, it was worth it. I am so tired of not working out. I'm taking a sick/personal day from work today, and good thing too, as my thighs are dying. Ease back into it, that's what I've gotta do.

This hiatus has gone on long enough. Now I'm getting back on track.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


10 hour shifts are hell on my fitness routine.

I haven't worked out since I started this job.

And this coming week will be more of the same.

Please, oh please, let the schedule go to 8 hour shifts soon.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Today's workout

45 squats
30 push ups
3 30 second planks
60 jumping jacks
30 overhead press, 12lbs total
30 chest press, 12 lbs total
45 calf raises
30 lunges

Really starting to feel the burn. I'm hoping that next week I can add another round to all of those. I'm also hoping that when my friend Levi gets back from deployment he can show me some barbell techniques. I REALLY want to lift heavy things!

Also, I got that job. So next week, along with hopefully adding on more reps, I'll be working around a job. Here's hoping I'm up to the challenge.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

So here's a breakdown of what I've done today.

45 squats
23 lunges
20 push ups
30 second plank, 3 times
60 jumping jacks
10 bicep curls, 10lbs each hand
10 overhead press, 10 lbs each hand

My arms were pretty noodly from the push ups and planks by the time I got to the weights, otherwise I would've done more. I'm feeling pretty good about all of that. Zumba's tonight too, so all in all a good workout day.

I also weighed myself today. Since January 25th, when I first weighed myself this year, I'm down 10 pounds! Haven't done my measurements yet this week, but last time I did, my waist was down 4 inches and my hips were down 1. Hooray, progress!

Intro and such.

In case anyone who isn't my sister is reading this, my name is Shorty. I'm a Navy wife who's trying to get fit and healthy. This blog and this tumblr will be my record of this journey. Hopefully having 2 blogs dedicated to it will keep me motivated.

And here we go.

I was a bit more active today than I originally bargained for. After I spoke to the recruiter at the temp agency, I took a wrong turn and ended up walking for an hour before I got to a bus stop that could take me home. That plus the 20 minute walk I took before the interview makes me feel pretty accomplished today. (Not to mention the interview itself. By next week I might have a job.)

Nothing else exciting as of today, really. Grilled cheese for breakfast, chili for lunch, and pork chops for dinner. Oh! I put bits of avocado in the salads with dinner. That was delicious. (Ash, you should try the avocado with Italian salad dressing. It's wonderful.)

Tomorrow is a Zumba day, and possibly spin class. Maybe I'll even take Loki for a walk, since she gave me that sad look when I didn't take her with me this morning.