Tuesday, May 28, 2013

30 squats, 20lbs
30 chest press, 20lbs
2 planks, 35 seconds each
30 curls, 10lbs each hand
30 overhead press, 20lbs
30 push ups

Post workout smoothie: 1 banana, 1T peanut butter, 1c chocolate milk

Numbers going up, slowly but surely. :D

Friday, May 24, 2013

20 squats, 20lbs
20 chest press, 20lbs
2 planks, 30 seconds each
20 bicep curls, 10lbs each hand
20 overhead press, 20lbs
20 push ups

Post workout smoothie:
1 banana
1 T peanut butter
1 cup chocolate milk

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Got to lift weights today! I can't do much yet, obviously, but it was still awesome. Did some squats (45lbs) and dead lifts (65lbs). My legs are killing me, but damn do I feel good!

Monday, May 6, 2013


I realized something about myself today.

I'm on Weight Watchers, but I am not using it to its full potential. Sure, I log what I eat, but I half ass it and guesstimate how much I've eaten and occasionally outright lie. And exactly what am I accomplishing by this?

Not a damn thing.

All I'm doing is hampering myself. I'm holding myself back by doing all of this. I'm keeping myself from my full potential.

And that has to stop.

Starting right now, I must be brutally honest about the food I eat, the drinks I drink. I will not omit because it shames me to see how many points I've used. I will not guess. I will accurately measure my portions. And I will not continue to hurt my own goals just because I'm afraid of going over my allotted points.

I will make a change.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's the first of May, first of May, outdoor fuckin' starts today.

Just a quickie this morning.

20 crunches
20 chest press, 6lbs each hand
2 planks, 30 seconds each

Here's to being back on track, at least a little.