Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Good day today. Went to yoga with Stephanie, which was pretty killer. I am not flexible or balanced enough to pull some of those poses off. But we’re probably gonna start going regularly, so improvement shall come! Took Loki for a walk/jog before dinner, and did better than I thought I would. Hooray for progress!

Friday, June 14, 2013

20 curls, 10lbs each hand
20 squats, 20 lbs
20 overhead press, 20 lbs
10 hip flexor stretches
20 chest press, 20 lbs
2 planks, 35 seconds each
20 push ups
20 lunges

I think when I get back from my trip to Texas, I'm going to start Insanity. I wanted to do it back in March, but my stupid job didn't give me enough time. I want to start it now, but I don't want to have to break it up like I know I will when I'm off island. I dunno, we'll see.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Great workout today. Did bench press, flys, squats, that pull down machine thingy, planks, chest press, and tossed a medicine ball around. Didn't keep count today, but all the weights (aside from the medicine ball) were 40 - 45lbs for each thing. So feeling pretty good. My hands are sore; gotta build up those calluses! Had my PB, banana, and chocolate smoothie afterwards. Pretty sure I'm gonna hurt tomorrow, but I can live with that. :D